Majorityrights News > Category: Global Elitism

White American Advocacy of Trump: The Arguments

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 18 March 2016 10:23.

Republican leaders talk about how to deal with Trump (apparently, these are not actors):

First of all, my (DanielS) concerns are primarily metapolitical in nature, where political at all. I have never had faith in the dog and pony show of politics to look after our E.G.I.

Nevertheless, there are people who care about European/White E.G.I. who think it is important for strategic reasons to get White people en mass behind Trump.

Again, it won’t be this White man who cares, I have never liked Trump and don’t trust his values. A businessman is, by training, Manichean: truth and justice is not his objective, defeating others is; and in that game that he plays, changing the rules, if necessary to win, is what he will do.

Cyberneticists have famously observed that the engineer and the scientist by contrast, is focused on Augustinian devils - natural devils.

Perhaps that focus makes a scientist such as MacDonald gullible to the tactics and naive to the motives of a businessman like Trump.

However, in service of squaring things-off, so that we can have an accurate dialectic going on here, in order to arrive at what is more the case, rather than arguing against cardboard figures, lets try to render some of MacDonald’s best arguments as to why Trump is someone for Whites to get behind.

MacDonald’s arguments as I understand them:

1) Because he is independently wealthy, he can flout the PC norms that have hog-tied Whites and address the true and important concerns of what has been the implicit base in support of the Republican Party - White people.

- That candor to move the Overton window is opposed to the concerns of people in the clip; and the Jews who have policed White ethnocentric dissent with iron PC rule.

2) He will either a) take that implicit White base, tarry with its interests at least to some extent, gain its support; thus owe some genuine regard for its concerns for a change through its Republican auspices. Or b) Destroy the GOP (which the men in the video would hate).

Plan b is not a bad option according to MacDonald and to most White people in the know - the Republican Party has looked like us but has shown White people no loyalty. Quite the opposite, it has been every bit as complicit in our demise as the Democrats.

Bring on the grassroots of ethnocentric Whites to form a third party; and if he will, let Trump set it in motion, MacDonald says.

That is what Whites have always needed, an independently wealthy White man who will actually put his money behind Whites the way Jews put their wealth behind their interests.

3) If it were not for Trump, issues of the American border and immigration would not even have been mentioned by the Republican Presidential Candidates. Trump forced that issue upon Cruz, Rubio et al.

Trump brought that critical issue into White American consciousness and legitimized it despite the masters of discourse having de-legitimized discourse of its concern since 1965.

That is also crucial, according to MacDonald, since it will force people to pay more attention to who is behind mass non-White migration to America. KM adds, there is no question that it was Jewish interests that have done this; and once Whites begin to understand that, they will see that Jewish interests have had nefarious aims - that the results for White E.G.I have been and will be deadly.

4) Though KM and Duke do not emphasize the corporate complicity, they do acknowledge that it is working Whites who suffer the most from these immigration policies, from unskilled labor to H1B migrants.

- Trump has not only explicitly called for deportation and the building of a fence to keep out unskilled migrants

- He has also cited Rubio for calling not for reduction but the increase of H1B Visas.

5) Trump’s destruction of Jeb Bush, Rubio and Cruz means the destruction not only of politics as usual for the Republican Party, as these are the people that they wanted to nominate - but also of the Neo-Con agenda which lies deeper behind them.

In fact, William Crystal threatened to start a third party if Trump got the nomination.

MacDonald adds that the Neo-Con agenda is strictly Jewish. It has nothing to do with White interests and has been a disaster or White interests.

Therefore, MacDonald says, “so be it.” Let the White outrage begin if their votes are treated as if they don’t matter; let it be known who runs the Republican Party - Jewish Neo Cons and Corporate interests - let it be destroyed and a new third party that takes the side of Whites be born instead.

6) Trump is the best option also because he has the best chance for White interests against Hillary Clinton - if she wins that is a disaster because she is the quintessential neo-liberal, neo-con dream all in one: completely beholden to the worst domestically and foreign - of right wing economic and military objectives and PC cultural agendas.

7) It is important to get behind Trump now because if it takes another 8 - 12 years for someone like him to come along it might be too late for Whites to wield voting power enough to sway the political direction to their interests.

Ted Cruz’s Wife Sanctioned By Goldman-Sachs Under Abrahamic Jurisdiction

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 18 March 2016 02:10.

Ted Cruz’s wife is sanctioned as an executive for Goldman-Sachs to campaign for Ted Cruz, demonstrating that hers and Ted’s Christianity is under Abrahamic Jurisdiction and does not conflict with Goldman-Sachs agenda.

Farrakhan and “Black Lives” difference calls into question disruption of Trump backers

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 15 March 2016 10:56.

While Louis Farrakhan praises Trump for what he believes to be his independence of Jewish interests, “Black Lives Matter” demonstrated that black lives don’t necessarily matter if they wholeheartedly support Trump.

CT, “BREAKING: Black Trump supporter shot and killed by Chicago protesters” 12 March 2016: African-American supporter of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has died after allegedly sustaining gunshot wounds in the aftermath of Friday night’s chaos in Chicago.

Robert King Bullock, aged 37, was a resident of Chicago’s Evanston suburb. According to Bullock’s friend, who also attended the Trump rally, Robert was an avid chef, and he recently obtained his Masters of Business Administration and planned to open a local restaurant.

This source spoke with CTN on the condition of anonymity, and asked to be referred to as “Terry.” He called for Bullock’s death to serve as a reminder to anti-Trump groups and the mainstream media.

“Rob was a black man, but he supported Trump because he got tired of Democrats saying his race was the thing holding him back,” Bullock’s friend told CTN.

“[Rob] lost his job because of Obamacare.  He lost his brother to black-on-black gang violence.  Now he lost his life because he believed in a white man.  His race didn’t have a damn thing to do with what held him back.”

Bullock and Terry were separated in the chaos that followed the protesters’ interruption of the planned Trump rally, which led to widespread violent scuffles and the event’s cancellation.  It is believed that he attempted to make his way to a nearby bar to charge his dead cell-phone and reconnect with Terry.

Multiple sources have confirmed that protesters and Trump supporters continued to clash as they moved from the UIC Pavillion to their vehicles and nearby locations.  It is believed that Bullock, at some point after leaving the event center, was confronted by protesters, beaten, then allegedly shot two times in the abdomen and left shoulder by a small to medium-size handgun.

The following picture allegedly was taken as police walked the crime scene north of the UIC Pavillion, where the Trump rally was held.

Terry says that the circumstances surrounding the events are still unclear, and he only learned of Bullock’s death when his business card was found in the victim’s pocket.  Terry says that Bullock asked for his contact information when the chaos erupted and he realized that his phone battery was dead.

Bullock’s body was discovered in the early hours of the morning by two homeless gentlemen.  He was transported to a nearby hospital, where he was pronounced dead,

Terry says that two signs were also found next to Bullock’s body.  One read, “Stop The Racist Trump.”  The other was marked with, “Donald Trump = KKK.”

Farrakhan’s home base is in Chicago. He is the most respected black leader among blacks. If he likes Trump most among the leading candidates, it raises questions as to the “organized and organic” disruption of Trump’s speech - “Black Lives Matter” style - in Chicago…

I like Trump. He’ll take America to hell in a rocket-ship because he really got the courage to do it; and the reason I like it is because he ain’t bought and paid for (but that don’t mean that you should vote for him).

Louis Farrakhan, Chicago.

Mr. Trump is peeling away the skin of the onion of White civility….he is beginning to show something in the character of the Whites that follow him; that they don’t care what he says. He could say one thing this minute another thing the next minute; and you can see that the man has a little problem. He is exacerbating the race situation in America. And I will guarantee you, that if he becomes President, he’ll take America exactly where America is heading. He’ll take you there on a rocket ship. How can a man say that he’s not a thug, he’s a diplomat, he’s a President; we’ll go into Iraq and we’ll just take the oil. See, that’s the thug coming out. That’s that part of the nature of the beast that’s manifesting. Well, if he becomes your President, you’ll be just like him. ...when you get leadership that is not rooted in justice then they begin to make the people just like themselves. Be careful America, you are headed into the abyss of hell.

NYTimes, “Donald Trump’s Rally in Chicago Canceled After Violent Scuffles”, 11 March 2016:

CHICAGO — With thousands of people already packed into stands and music blaring to warm up the crowd, Donald J. Trump’s campaign abruptly canceled his rally here on Friday night over security concerns as protesters clashed with his supporters inside an arena where he was to speak.

Minutes after Mr. Trump was to have taken to a podium on the campus of a large, diverse public university just west of downtown, an announcer suddenly pronounced the event over before it had begun.

“Organized and organic” protestor with orange wristband

Note “Orange Revolution” wrist bands.

George Soros was an original backer of “Black Lives Matter”, “The Orange Revolution”, “Femen” and other neo-liberal “organic uprisings.”

Washington Post, “In Chicago, an organized and organic disruption of Trump”, 12 March 2016:

CHICAGO — The push to disrupt Donald Trump’s campaign rally began a week ago, when news first broke that the Republican presidential candidate would appear at the University of Illinois campus here on this city’s West Side.

Student leaders of campus organizations such as the Black Student Union and Muslim Student Association began organizing their own rally and march to the rally venue; a Facebook page publicizing the efforts attracted 11,000 people.

German Government Promotes Interracial Sex

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 07 March 2016 12:26.

TNO, “German Govt. Promotes Interracial Sex”, 6 March 2016:

The German government has set up an explicitly-illustrated website dedicated exclusively to promoting interracial sex between the nonwhite “refugees” and Europeans.

The new website, called “Zanzu—My body in words and images”—was set up by the Ministry of Health’s Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (“Federal Center for Health Education,” BZgA) in cooperation with a Belgian-government funded “Expertise Center for Sexual Health” called Sensoa.

In its introductory video, the website specifically says that its purpose is to give “advice on sex and sexuality for migrants who have not been living long in Germany.”


Divided into six “themes,” the website uses sexually explicit drawings designed to portray interracial sex as often as possible.

In addition, the website also promotes homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, and “transgenderism.”

The website has been prepared in Arabic, Farsi, Turkish, and nine European languages, but the contents of the site and the subjects discussed makes it clear that it is aimed at nonwhites from the Third World.

For example, under the heading “Relationships and feelings,” the website explains in detail what “honor violence” is, and why it is unacceptable in Europe:

Honor means that you are valuable to yourself and society. Some people can choose for themselves how to live in an honorable way. For other people, it is decided by their family or society. In this case, you represent your family. Your behavior affects all your family members. Honor-based violence is forbidden by law.

“Honor violence” is of course an almost exclusively Muslim phenomenon, most often directed against females who in way or another disobey the males in their family with regard to relationships, dress, or behavior.

Another part of the site, titled “Rights and law,” even attempts to explain to the nonwhite invaders that they should not engage in sexual violence against women.

As if anyone, from anywhere, actually needed to be told this, under the heading “What is sexual violence?”

In another section titled “Female genital mutilation,” the invaders are advised that “Female genital mutilation is also called female circumcision,” and that even though it is “done for cultural reasons,” it is “illegal in Europe” and “forbidden by law.”

It is however under the sections dealing with “Kinds of Sex” that the true intent of the website becomes clear: nearly every illustration used depicts interracial couples


As the website is specifically aimed at “migrants” and not Germans, the meaning cannot be mistaken: that the nonwhites are being told in no uncertain terms that they are to regard sex with white Germans as the norm.

The implications of this state-funded promotion of interracial sex are astonishing given the background of the nonwhite invader mass sex attacks over New Year’s Eve in cities around Europe, and the ongoing never-ending reports of rapes and sexual assaults which are still occurring on a daily basis.

Even more revealing, however, is the fact that this official government website reveals the true purpose behind the promotion of “multiculturalism” and mass immigration: the physical destruction of the white race through miscegenation.

‘We like European Identity’ - Putin

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 18 February 2016 20:22.

TNO, “We like European Identity’ — Putin” 18 Feb 2016:

Russian president Vladimir Putin has openly declared himself on the side of those who oppose the nonwhite “refugee”-invasion of Europe, saying that Russia “likes” the position of “defend[ing] European identity.”

Putin’s remarks, made during a joint press conference with visiting Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Moscow yesterday, are the clearest indication yet that a new eastern European-based bloc is forming up against western European liberalism and the racial suicide of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her allies.

During the meeting the two leaders discussed a range of issues including the invasion of the European Union by millions of bogus refugees, and the role of terrorism in causing the invasion.

“The reason for the current refugee issue is the destabilization of states in entire world regions — Northern Africa, Afghanistan and other countries. In order to solve the refugee issue the prime cause should be eliminated. The countries’ statehood, economy and social sphere must be restored so that people can live in their own country or return there,” Putin said.

In what way are the flags together behind them?

He added that he shared Orban’s views on the causes of the refugee crisis, saying that their opinions “largely coincide” and that the “position of Hungary and its prime minister, which is to defend European identity, the identity of one’s country and people, is likable to us.”

The EU already has formal sanctions against Russia since July 2014, when “restrictive measures” were imposed in response to the ongoing conflict in the Ukraine, which the EU blames on Russia.

According to those sanctions, EU nationals and companies are forbidden from making major financial investments in Russian state banks, energy or defense companies, or from selling or buying arms or items which could have military applications. In addition, it is illegal to sell equipment and technology used for certain types of oil exploration and production to Russia.

Although the Hungarian government initially supported the EU sanctions against Russia, Orban said yesterday at the press conference that the time to extend the sanctions had passed, and that more EU countries are starting to oppose the restrictions on Moscow.

“I believe that this period is behind us… I think that in 2016, by mid-year, it will be impossible for the European Union to automatically extend the sanctions… All the countries of the EU are beginning to understand that it is necessary to cooperate. I think there is a chance that we will work together,” Orban said.

Perhaps the commentariat can help decipher this. There should be nothing against Russia as a reasonably delimited and potentially cooperative ethnosstate - as opposed to being a multi-racial and Jewish influenced Federal empire (not entirely unlike The U.S.) that interferes with the vital interests of Europe.

I guess the first question to ask is, what does Putin mean by “non-white” when he expresses a wish to cooperate against the non-White invasion of Europe. Could it be part of a problem-reaction-soluton scenario, in which Putin’s regime is going to provide the “solution.” ?

And what of Orban? Have we been desperately appreciative of his display of ethnocentrism and assertion of national bounds - things which should be merely normal - ignoring his Christianity and other potential non-European influences in the manner that some were desperately appreciative of the neo-cons and now desperately appreciative of Trump and therefore blind to some ritical influences?

It is perhaps not being too critical to again raise skepticism of some politics circulating among Hungary, whether in its Christianity, in regard to Jobbik, its connections to Jews and Turks, the Pan Eurasian movement, etc.

Jews might not flock to Russia upon Putin’s offer, but they are already comfortably affixed there.

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 13 February 2016 15:29.

Jews may not flock to Russia upon Putin’s offer, as New Observer quotes Mikhail Skoblionok saying, but they’re already comfortably affixed there. The reason they may not flock there from other places is because the parasitic ways they established there have already desiccated the economy of that host -

TNO, Jews “Won’t Go to Russia,” 12 Feb 2016:

European Jews will not take up Vladimir Putin’s recent offer to take “refuge” in Russia, even though the Russian Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister are Jews, Mikhail Skoblionok, a leading member of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress has said.

Writing in the Tatar news website Realnoe Vremya, Skoblionok, (here in Russian, and here in English) who also is president of the Jewish National and Cultural Autonomy of Tatarstan, said that “a Jew of sound judgment won’t go to Russia.”

Putin made the offer last month in a meeting with members of the European Jewish Congress (EJC) that took place in the Kremlin. Moshe Vyacheslav Kantor, EJC president, complained to Putin about the rising anti-Semitism across Europe and the growing number of attacks against Jews.

Putin replied: “Let [the Jews] come to us then,” adding that “during the Soviet period they were leaving the country, and now they should return.”

Skoblionok, who represents the 10,000 Jews in the Republic of Tatarstan, a federal state of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District, expressed his doubt that Jews would take up Putin’s suggestion.

“To start with, I will describe the situation in Israel,” Skoblionok said.

“There is a tendency there: French Jews have been buying up apartments in Israel for the last five years. There are houses but the light is off. I am asking, ‘Why is the light off? Are these apartments empty?’

“People say that French Jews bought up these apartments and keep them in store. They are afraid that France will become a merely Muslim state so have prepared reserve flats,” he wrote, indicating that Jews were preparing to leave France in large numbers in the case of an emergency.

“My friends, who go to France, note that the Arab people are crowded into the country. Arabs will soon account for 80 percent of the population, like our Far East is populated by Chinese people,” he continued, in this case referring to the colonization of the far eastern regions of Russia.

“The population of ethnic French people is reducing in number; they are not reproducing, unlike the Arabs. The Muslims have large families there—sometimes a family has fifteen children,” Skoblionok pointed out.

“France lacks space, and Jews go to other countries where there is work and an opportunity to make money. The number of attacks based on national and religious beliefs is increasing in Europe. There is hysteria among the Arabs too. Europe fears a pogrom against Jews, and this feeling is strongly noticed in France,” he said.

Skoblionok then went on to discuss Putin’s proposal: “Vladimir Putin always knows what to do and say. But a Jew of sound judgement won’t go to Russia,” he said.

“I will explain why. Our country is at the height of an economic crisis. There is a huge gap between the rich and the poor which does not exist in many other countries. The rich buy villas, hotels, and yachts abroad, while the poor simply have nothing to eat. A revolution may yet come about here,” he said—ignoring the fact that he is one of the “rich” himself, having become the oligarch head of the natural gas exploration and petroleum production company TAkPO CJSC in 1987—and then buying it when privatization came after the fall of Communism.

“The Jews all over the world know and have assessed this situation. This is why I don’t think that there will be a mad rush of Jews from the whole world to Russia.”

However, he then said that that there was no danger to Jews in Russia.

Under the heading “Country headed by Jews,” Skoblionok said that “in Russia, the attitude of both ordinary citizens and the government to the Jews is good.

“In addition, there are large numbers of Jews in the Russian government.  [Prime Minister Dmitry]  Medvedev has Jewish roots. [Deputy Prime Minister Arkady]  Dvorkovich is Jewish. What attitude will they have to themselves?” he rhetorically asked.

Even so, he went on, in his own region of Tatarstan, “the situation is different. The regional government has no Jews [in it].”

He told of how a local synagogue had failed to be given land next to its building, even though they had won the rights to it in court.

This piece of land, he lamented, “will be up for auction. And we were told ‘go and buy it’ [instead of getting it for nothing].”

“What Jew will come here?” he concluded.

But where there is a will there is an oy vey! And where there is a vey! they can make a deal, such a deal.

3 of Them Defraud London Olympics Investors of £80 million

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 09 February 2016 22:02.

Jewish Chronicle, ‘Fraudsters convicted after conning investors out of almost £80 million’, 8 Feb 2016:

Three Jewish fraudsters who fleeced investors out of £79.5milion and blew the cash on ‘Bentleys, yachts and million pound houses’ are facing years behind bars.

Spencer Steinberg, 45, Jolan Saunders, 39 and Michael Strubel, 53 claimed they had won a contract to supply electricals to the Olympic Village ahead of the 2012 London games.

They said Saunders Electrical Wholesalers Limited (SEWL) also supplied goods such as including trouser presses and kettles to major hotel chains. But it was just a shabby high street electrical retailer in east London – a ‘one man and a van operation’.

Victims were persuaded to invest hundreds of thousands over a period of two months so SEWL could meet urgent orders, then paid seemingly sky-high returns. They were then asked if they would ‘roll over’ their investment for another two months.

The trio used bogus accounts to impress clients into parting with their cash. Two investors parted with £2m after being shown fake company invoices that showed they were supplying the Olympic Village. Others were fooled after Saunders started using doctored invoices from the Park Plaza chain of hotels that suggested they were a major supplier.

The trio were not investigated until the scandal of United States investor and notorious fraudster Bernie Madoff hit the headlines in 2008, jurors heard. Steinberg and Strubel were unanimously convicted of conspiracy to defraud after a five month trial at Southwark Crown Court.They had denied the charges. Saunders earlier admitted conspiracy to defraud and acting as a company director while disqualified. There were tears and shouts of “oh no” from the public gallery as the verdicts were given. Judge Michael Grieve granted Steinberg and Strubel bail ahead of sentence but warned: “I am sure you are fully aware of the fact that it is a very serious offence of which you have been convicted and the inevitable sentence is going to be a custodial sentence.”

Opening the case prosecutor Sarah Forshaw said the trio raked in £79.5 of investor cash and “lived the life of Riley”. She said: “The defendants persuaded people to part with their money on the promise they were going to invest it for them in a good, profitable business, then effectively pocked the money themselves. ‘It made them rich, rich at the expense of people they defrauded – you will hear about Bentleys, Ferraris, Porsches and Rolls Royces, you will hear about yachts and million pound houses. ‘You will also hear about how it was that these defendants, for a times, lived the life of Riley.” She continued: “When their victims found out what these men had done, there were tears and expressions of regret from both of these defendants.

“Probably some of these tears were genuine, they knew by then they were in real trouble, they’d been found out. “Many of the investors from whom they had stolen money had been friends, they had trusted them. “These defendants had rather hoped that the fraud would continue for longer so that their closest friends and even some of their family members would not lose out when the scheme imploded as it did.” She added: “Genuine or not, these expressions of regret were as convincing as the lies they had told in order to persuade people, some of them professional business people, to part with their money – these people are con men and they do it well.”

One balance sheet for SEWL for the year ending 2008 showed revenues of around £100,000, but the following year’s accounts, showed a 2008 end-of-year revenue figure of £43.3million. A purchasing order of £4.71 for light bulbs for the Grosvenor Hotel was doctored to show an order for £47,000. Jeremy Stone, an old school friend of Saunders’ at the prestigious Chigwell School in east London, told how he lost £17 million in the scam. Saunders offered him the chance to invest in SEWL “out of the blue”, saying he needed to borrow £256,400 over 30 days to meet an urgent order. Mr Stone said: “My thought was that small business were struggling for investment, and it was somewhere [private] investors could step in and that could be a very profitable arrangement.”

He added that the first request had not been for a very large amount of money, and he also wanted to support a friend he had lost touch with over the previous few years.

Mr Stone brought in his father Martin, an accountant and management consultant, to carry out all the due diligence and to manage the family’s investment in SEWL. Over the next few years, SEWL apparently seemed so lucrative, Mr Stone employed his father and his sister on salaries of £200,000 and £80,000 respectively to manage the family’s relationship with the company. He invited 14 other business associates to join him in investing in the company. Mr Stone said they were sent hundreds of forged bank statements, invoices and other company documents to keep them on board. He was taking a summer holiday in the summer of 2010 when he received a call from his sister saying she had received a NatWest bank statement for SEWL showing assets of £5 million, with a recent in payment of £5,085,000. But instead of showing a bottom line of in excess of £10 million, the bank statement read £00.00.

It was only then that the Stone family began to realise the company was not legitimate and launched their own investigations. They eventually went to the High Court to ask for a freezing order on the assets of Saunders, Steinberg and their business associates. Mr Stone told the court he ploughed £27 million into the scheme and had £10 million handed back in “returns”. Neither his family nor any of their co-investors have been able to recoup any of the outstanding money.

The trio ran the Ponzi scheme for four years between 2006 and 2010 until they were investigated by the Serious Fraud Office. Steinberg and Strubel claimed they had no reason to suspect the business was anything but legitimate. When the Bernie Madoff scandal broke in 2008, one investor told Steinberg he was “spooked” by the seemingly sky high returns he was getting from SEWL. Steinberg said he was not concerned because Madoff’s business was “a city company”. ‘It was a completely different business to Saunders. I didn’t think SEWL was a Ponzi scheme,’ he said.

Steinberg of Lodge End Radlett, Hertfordshire and Strubel of Princes Park, New Southgate, north London, were both convicted of conspiracy to defraud.

Saunders, of Almonds Avenue, Buckhurst Hill, Essex, admitted the same charge.

A sentencing date is expected to be fixed next week.

          But what would we have done without thaaat light show….


Israeli “Opened Slovakia’s Door for Iraqi refugees”

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 27 January 2016 11:42.

New Observer, “Israeli ‘Opened Slovakia’s Door for Iraqi refugees,” 25 Jan 2016:

An Israeli political consultant pushed nonwhite Iraqi “Christian” refugees on a dozen European nations before “using his contacts” to get Slovakia to accept them—but refused to consider trying to get them asylum in Israel.

Aron Shaviv and Benjamin Netanyahu

Aron Shaviv, who orchestrated Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent election campaign in Israel, runs a company called Shaviv Strategy and Campaigns, which claims to be a “global political-strategy consultancy specializing in winning election campaigns on behalf of the center-right” and delivers “winning Presidential, Parliamentary, Municipal, and referendum campaigns to political leaders from across Europe and globally.”

According to an article in the Israeli-based Times of Israel titled “How an Israeli opened Slovakia’s doors for Iraqi Christian refugees” (January 25, 2016), Shaviv was the person who arranged for the Iraqi Christians, driven out of their northern Iraqi hometown of Qaraqosh by ISIS, to be resettled in Slovakia.

The Times of Israel reported that when Shaviv was approached by activists trying to find the Iraqis asylum somewhere, he started “combing through and contacting his network of political connections. The team tried at least a dozen countries before getting a hearing in Slovakia.”

“My policy was the path of least resistance—the first country that showed any kind of positive leanings was Slovakia,” Shaviv told the Times of Israel.

He said that it was important in Slovakia, still a very traditional Catholic country, to get both the Vatican and its local religious authorities involved.

  “We thought that the right approach was to get the Slovak church to take ownership and say these are our people,” said Shaviv.

  And after many trips to the Vatican, it came on board in saving its Iraqi Catholics.

  “The determining messaging that got them to really identify and take ownership was that this is the last Christian community on earth that speaks the language of Jesus,” Shaviv said.

Shaviv said that several factors contributed to the Slovakian government’s willingness to accept the refugees. For one, although it was the first European Union country to state it was not willing to accept Muslims during the massive waves of migrants and refugees reaching European shores in 2015, like all EU countries, it must fulfill a refugee quota.

Iraqi Christians demonstrate in Germany.

Of course, it would never enter Shaviv’s head to offer these Iraqis refuge in his own country, because Israel legally forbids immigration by non-Jews, tests potential immigrants by DNA to make sure they are Jewish, and outlaws marriages between Jews and non-Jews.

Shaviv is not the only prominent Jewish activist busy bringing in nonwhite Christian refugees into Europe, and diverting them away from Israel. The recently deceased British Jewish Lord George Weidenfeld set up the “Weidenfeld Safe Havens Fund” in July 2015 specifically to bring them to Europe.

        Invoking Abrahamic Jurisdiction

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Thorn commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Sat, 06 Jan 2024 23:40. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Sun, 31 Dec 2023 23:10. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Sun, 31 Dec 2023 23:00. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Sun, 31 Dec 2023 22:58. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Sun, 31 Dec 2023 15:52. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Sun, 31 Dec 2023 14:59. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Sun, 31 Dec 2023 13:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Sun, 31 Dec 2023 12:58. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Sun, 31 Dec 2023 05:08. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:31. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:23. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Sat, 30 Dec 2023 23:34. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Fri, 29 Dec 2023 22:57. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Fri, 29 Dec 2023 05:53. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Fri, 29 Dec 2023 03:33. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Fri, 29 Dec 2023 02:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Tue, 26 Dec 2023 19:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Tue, 26 Dec 2023 18:33. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Tue, 26 Dec 2023 13:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Tue, 26 Dec 2023 12:01. (View)

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